Thursday 21 April 2011

About Me

I'm 17, I live in Brisbane, Australia with my parents. Used to live in Melbourne but we moved because my parents changed occupations. Brisbane's actually quite nice when you get to know it. Current a student in my graduating year, studying English, Maths B, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering Technology and Study of Religion. I'm quite a Chemistry-Elitist, my belief if that if you study chemistry, once you walk into a room you immediately become the smartest person in that room. So yeah, first post, lets see how this goes.


  1. First comment of the blog! Look forward to this!

  2. Chemistry is tough. but i gotta take it for my major. haha. Just gotta keep on keeping on i guess.

  3. Good luck with your blog! I was always horrible at chemistry so I guess I won't be the smarter person in the room unless it just me and my dog.

  4. Hey bro, genuine interest here,

    Which city's better? Brisbane or Melbourne?
    I'm tossing up between UQ and UniMelb if I don't make it into UNSW or USYD this year, and I'm leaning melbourne right now.

    hit me back up bro

  5. Best way to do chemistry is relate things to fire and explosions. I got 79% in my a levels doing that

    Btw you are very lucky to live in Brisbane. I love it there.

  6. if you want to be the smartest person in the room just study math, every science is essentially applied math.

  7. In response to Wang's tossup between Melbourne and Brisbane, I've really got no idea about the differences between the unis, however UQ St. Lucia really does have a nice campus.
    I've gotta say though, Melbourne has really shitty weather, like unbelievably crap. Brisbane gets a few stinking hot days but they're worth it, it's amazing down here.
    Just my 2 cents
